Encaustic Tile Restoration
Urban Revivals cleans, restores, regrouts, repairs, and retints encaustic tiles. We also cast molds for replacement tiles.

Encaustic Tile Wear and Damage
There is really no substitute for the texture and patina of old tiles, worn by generations of foot steps. But, when these tiles break, flake, or begin to fall apart from loosening or water exposure, then it is time to take protective steps. Urban Revivals can repair these tiles, both glazed and encaustic, so that these forms of degradation are less noticeable to the eye.

Casting Replacement Tiles
We create molds and cast replacement octogonal floor tiles in an epoxy resin. Shown is the mold, replacement tile, and what existed of the broken tile from the lobby floor.

Basic Encaustic Tile Restoration
Clean-up, regrouting where needed, removal of dimples and chips, and selective tile repair or replacement, makes for a noticeable improvement in the floor.

As work progresses, improvements become noticeable

Example of an Encaustic Tile Repair

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CCompleted Tile Repair, with new paint and trimwork